Daniel 2
- 1 Eri, ni sounpar keriau me Nepukadnesar wiewiahki nanmwarki, e ahpw alimanda oh kupwur toutoukihla; e ahpw sohla kak seimwok mwahu.
- 2 Ih eri malipepene sapwellime sounkeseu kan, sounwunahni, sounketieni kan, oh sounkosetipw kan, pwe re en kawehwehda sapwellime alimano. Irail eri patopene oh uh mwowe.
- 3 Nanmwarkio ahpw mahsanihong irail, “Mie ei ouraman ehu me inenen kapwunodeiedahr. I men ese wehwehn ouraman wet.”
- 4 Irail eri sapengki nanmwarkio ni mahsen en Aramaik, patohwan, “Roson en Wasa Lapalap en poatopoatete! Komw mahsanihedohng kiht omwi aliman en pwe se en kawehwehiong komwi.”
- 5 Nanmwarkio ahpw mahsanihong irail, “I koasoanedier me ma kumwail sohte pahn kak kasawihada oh kawehwehda ei ouramanet, eri, I uhdahn pahn kemeikumwailla oh pil kauwehla imwamwail kan.
- 6 Ahpw ma kumwail kak kasawihada oh kawehwehda ei ouramanet, I pahn kihong kumwail kisakis laud oh pil kasapwilkumwailda. Eri met, kumwail kasawihong ie ei ouramanet, oh pil kawehwehiong ie.”
- 7 Re ahpw pil pwurehng sapeng nanmwarkio, patohwan, “Ma Wasa Lapalap pahn ketin kasalehiong kiht sapwellime aliman wet, a se pahn kak kawehwehda.”
- 8 Eri, ni ahnsowo, nanmwarkio ahpw kapitie laudida oh mahsanih, “Ihme I medemedewehn men! Kumwail songosong en karairaila ahnsou, pwe kumwail dehdehkier dahme I koasoanedier I en wia.
- 9 Ma kumwail sohte pahn padahkihong ie ei ouramanet, kumwail koaros pahn ale soangen kalokolok teieu. Ele kumwail pwungkipenehr me kumwail pahn pitih ie lao lel ei pahn wekidala ei lamalam. Kumwail padahkihong ie dahme I ouramandahro! I ahpw pahn kemehlele me kumwail pahn kak kawehwehda.”
- 10 Sounwunahni ko ahpw patohwanohng, “Sohte aramas emen nan sampah pwonopwon wet me pahn kak kasawihada oh padahkihong Wasa Lapalap duwen me komw men mwahngih. Saikinte nanmwarki men, mehnda ma ih me keieu lapalap de manaman, me wiahiongehr sapwellime sounkeseu kan, sounketieni kan oh sounkosetipw kan, soangen kupwur apwal wet.
- 11 Sohte aramas emen kak wiahiong komwi, ihte koht akan; ahpw re sohte kin kousoan nanpwungen aramas.”
- 12 Ni ahnsowo, nanmwarkio ahpw engiengda kowahlap oh mahsanih me sapwellime sounkaweid kan koaros nan Papilon en kamakamala.
- 13 Eri, mahseno kamanamanlahr me irail koaros pahn kamakamala, iangahki Daniel oh ienge ko.
- 14 Daniel eri kohla rehn Ariok, kaunen sounsilepe kan en nanmwarkio, me pil pilipildahr pwe en pwukoahki kemehla sounkaweid kan. Ni koasoi wahun oh keneinei,
- 15 e ahpw idek rehn Ariok, “Dahme kahrehda nanmwarkio kupwurehkihda irair apwal wet?” Ariok eri koasoiaiong Daniel mehkoaros me wiawiher.
- 16 Daniel eri mwadang pwuralahng me lapalap akan oh peki re en awih mahs, pwe en song kawehwehiong nanmwarkio sapwellime alimano.
- 17 Mwuhr, Daniel ahpw pwuralahng ni imwarail oh padahkihong ienge ko, Ananaia, Misael, oh Asaraia, duwen me wiawiher.
- 18 E pil ndaiong irail en kapakapohng Koht en nanleng pwe en kupwurkalahngan oh kawehwehiong irail ouraman riro, pwe re de iang sounkaweid teiko nan Papilon kamakamala.
- 19 Eri, nipwongo, ouramano ahpw sansalohng Daniel nan kaudiahl ehu. E ahpw kapikapinga Koht en nanleng, patohwan,
- 20 “Kapinga mwaren Koht, ahnsou koaros oh kohkohlahte; pwe ih me ketin kupwurokong oh manaman.
- 21 E kin ketin koasoanehdi ahnsou oh irair en ahnsou kan; e kin ketin kasapwilada oh kasapwildi nanmwarki kan; iei ih me kin ketikihong aramas ar koahiek oh loalokong.
- 22 E kin ketin kasalehda soahng me loal oh rir kan, oh e mwahngih dahme kin ekiek nan wasa rotorot akan; pwe marain kin kapilpene ih.
- 23 I kin kapinga komwi oh waunekin komwi, Koht en semei mehn mahs ako. Komw ketikihongieier loalokong oh kehlail; komw ketin sapengehr ei kapakapo, oh kasalehiong kiht dahme se pahn patohwanohng nanmwarkio.”
- 24 Daniel eri pwurala rehn Ariok, ohl me nanmwarkio ketin kilelehdi pwe en kemehla sounkaweid kan en nanmwarkio, oh ndaiong, “Komw dehr kemeirailla. Kahreielahng rehn nanmwarkio, pwe I en patohwanohng wehwehn sapwellime alimano.”
- 25 Eri, ni ahnsowohte, Ariok ahpw kahrelahng Daniel pahn kupwure en nanmwarkio, oh patohwanohng, “I patohwan diarada emen nanpwungen me seldohsang nan wehin Suda me kak kawehwehiong Wasa Lapalap, sapwellime alimano.”
- 26 Nanmwarkio ahpw mahsanihong Daniel (me pil adaneki Peldesaser), “Ia duwe, ke kak kasalehiong ie dahme I ouramandahro, oh pil wehwehpe?”
- 27 Daniel ahpw sapeng, patohwan, “Maing, Wasa Lapalap, sohte sounkosetipw men, sounketieni men, soukohp men, de sounkasawih usu men, me pahn kak patohwanohng komwi met.
- 28 Ahpw mie Koht emen nanleng, me kin kasalehda soahng rir kan koaros. E ketin kasalehiongkomwiher, maing, Nanmwarki Nepukadnesar, dahme pahn pwarada ahnsou kohkohdo. Eri, iei met alimano me komw ketin mahsanihada ni omwi seiseimwoko.
- 29 “Maing, Wasa Lapalap, ni ahnsou me komwi wie seiseimwok, komw ketin alimandahr duwen me pahn kohdo; oh Koht, me kin ketin kasalehda me rir kan, ahpw ketin kasalehiong komwi dahme pahn pwarada.
- 30 Eri, aliman wet sansalohngieier, kaidehn pwehki ngehi me loalokong sang aramas teikan, ahpw pwe komwi en mwahngih wehwehn omwi aliman wet, oh wehwehkihla ire kesempwal akan me pwarodohng komwi.
- 31 “Maing, Wasa Lapalap, nan omwi alimano komw mahsanihada lapalahn sansal ehu me kesikesihnen mwohmwi, me marain oh lingaling, oh kamasepwehk ni omwi mahsanih.
- 32 Moange wiawihkihda kohl me keieu kaselel. Mwaremware oh peh kan wiawihkihda silper; lukepe oh lengelenge wiawihkihda prons.
- 33 Neh kan wiawihkihda mete, oh patehneh kan wiawihkihda mete oh pwehl.
- 34 Eri, ni omwi mahsenwohng, a lapalahn takai ehu ahpw pwupwudi sang ni eh sohte aramas emen doahke. E pwupwudi oh lel patehnehn sansalo me wiawihkihda mete oh pwehl, oh kauwehla.
- 35 Ni ahnsowohte, mete, pwehl, prons, silper, oh kohl koaros ahpw wiahkinteieu rengkidi oh pisetikpene duwehte pwelpar nan wasahn koakoa wahn pilawa ni ahnsoun rahk. Kisiniengo ahpw peukasang koaros, sohte kisin diper kis luhwe. Ahpw takai wosadahr duwehte nahna ehu me kipehdi sampah pwon.
- 36 “Eri, iei met alimano. Met I pahn patohwan kasalehiong Wasa Lapalap, wehwehpe.
- 37 Maing, komwi me lapalapasang nanmwarki koaros. Koht ketin kasapwilkomwihda en wiahla nanmwarki men, oh ketikihong komwi manaman, roson, oh wahu.
- 38 E ketin kasapwilkomwihda en kaunda tohn sahpw akan koaros, oh mahn akan oh menpihr koaros. Moahng kohlo, iei komwi.
- 39 A mwurin omwi mwehiet, mwehi tohrohr ehu pahn pwarada, me sohte pahn lapalap duwehte omwi mwehi; oh pil mwuri, e pahn mie mwehi kesiluh, rasehng prons, me pahn kaunda sampah pwon.
- 40 Eri, mwuhr, e pahn mie mwehi kapahieu, me kehlail duwehte mete, me kin kauwehla oh kapisetikihpene mehkoaros, e pahn kauwehla oh kapisetikihpene mwehin mahs ako.
- 41 Komw pil mahsanih me patehneh kan oh sendin neh kan wiawihkihda pwehl oh mete. Met wehwehki me mwehi wet mwehin liaktohrohr ehu. E pahn kehlail, rasehng kehlail en mete, pwehki mie mete me doaloahda pwehlo.
- 42 Sendin neh kan-ekei wiawihkihda mete, a ekei wiawihkihda pwehl-met wehwehki me mwehio pahn kehlail, ahpw mengei en ohla.
- 43 Komw pil mahsanih me mete ko doalkidahr pwehl. Met wehwehki me kaunen mwehi kan pahn song kapwopwoudipene ar peneinei kan pwe minimin en kak pweida, ahpw re sohte pahn kak wia met, pwehki mete sohte kak doaloahda pwehl.
- 44 Eri, ni ahnsou me nanmwarki ko pahn kakaun wasa, Koht en nanleng pahn ketin kauwada mwehi ehu me sohte imwi. Mwehi wet sohte pahn kak lohdi, ahpw e pahn kauwehla mwehi teikan koaros, oh pahn mihmi kohkohlahte.
- 45 Komw pil mahsanih duwen takai ehu me pwupwusang ni aul ehu, ni eh sohte me doahke, oh duwen eh kauwehla sansalo me wiawihkihda mete, prons, pwehl, silper, oh kohl. Eri, Koht lapalahpie me ketin kasalehiong komwi dahme pahn pwarada ni ahnsou kohkohdo. I patohwanohngehr komwi audepen omwi aliman wet ni oaretik, oh I pil patohwanohngehr komwi wehwehpe ni mehlel.”
- 46 Nanmwarki Nepukadnesar eri poaridiong nanpwel, oh pil koasoanehdi pwe meirong oh kisakis en wiawihong Daniel.
- 47 Nanmwarkio ahpw mahsanih, “Omwi Koht me keieu lapalapasang koht akan koaros, oh me Kaunen nanmwarki kan. Ih me kin ketin kasalehda me rir kan koaros, pwehki omwi kak kawehwehda me rir kotet.”
- 48 Nanmwarkio eri ketikihong Daniel dehu ileile ehu, oh ketikihong kisakis kaselel tohto, oh ketikihong pwe en kaunda wehin Papilon, oh pil kaunda sounkaweid koaros nan wehio.
- 49 A sang ni pekipek en Daniel, nanmwarkio ahpw ketikihong Sadrak, Mihsak, oh Apedneko re en kaunda doadoahk en wehin Papilon. Oh e ketin mweidohng Daniel en mihmihte nan tehnpaso.
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Bible in Pohnpeian language (pohnpeian - 1.1.1)
2012-07-05Pohnpeian (pon)
Bible in Pohnpeian language. Copyright 2006 United Bible Societies. We are grateful to UBS via its Australian office to permit us to distribute this Bible text. May it be a blessing to Pohnpeians in Pohnpei and around the world. Dakuma Lucios (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Peter von Kaehne (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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