Colonel Brengle was a well-known and beloved officer in the Salvation Army. This was the Christian army that fought with the devil for the souls of men. He was born in the year 1860 and passed on to his reward in 1936. Outside of the Salvation Army, he is best known for his famous book,Helps to Holiness. It is a classic, read and appreciated by Christians from every major denomination. In this book, he emphasizes the inner work of grace in sanctification as well as the outward aspects of a holy life.
Inside of the Army structure, he was their revivalist / evangelist. He was widely used all over the world to fan the flames of revival among Salvationists. He led thousands to Christ in his meetings, however, he was better known for his preaching on a holy heart and the holy life that follows it. Tens of thousands were inspired to seek God for a deeper work of grace and an enduement of power from the Holy Ghost.