Join us on Telegram
We have a few public channels on Telegram...
Good Christian Fellowship
Prayer requests and Thanksgiving
Sharing short thoughts from your time with God.
Sharing short testimony and exotration.
Announcements of Christian events.
Sharing Hymns, and Psalms
Sharing voice notes after Sermons
Birthday wishes and other kind gestures...
Please refrain from sharing the following:
Anything that would grieve God, and those who love Him.
Politics, Sport and other trivial content.
Spamming, Marketing and other form of Campaigning
Views that directly contradict our confession of faith.
Our leaders of these Telegram channels
van der MerweBrother Llewellyn came to salvation in 1998. -
van der MerweBrother Jaco came to salvation in 2003. -
AmonBrother Rudy came to salvation in 2008.
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Should you have any objections or concerns about any of the channel content, please first speak to those who shared it in private, and if the person is unwilling to hear you, contact one of these brothers. We do not want any form of hatred and strife to disrupt these channels.