Throughout Christian history the light has shined of those who took upon themselves to
truly follow the Son of God and be his disciples,
his Church.
These groups have been maligned and hated by at many times the majority of the professing church.These were simple believers who asked the question:
‘What if Jesus really meant every word He said?’ They resounded with a “
yes” not in doctrinal statements or religious literature but in lives laid down in self denial, obedience and at times martyrdom itself, in
following the way Christ went.
Would it surprise you to learn that not only
Roman Catholics but also Protestants took part in shedding the innocent blood of
true disciples of Jesus?
During the time of the reformation those who took the words of Jesus plainly were called
anabaptists, they were outlawed, hunted and killed.
In 1527 one of these lights Michael Sattler, a martyr, said, “
True Christians are those who carry out Christ's doctrine in their lives.”
History would be silent if it were not for the diligent retelling of their stories through books such as “
The Martyrs Mirror”, “
The Hutterite Chronicles” and similar volumes.
It is interesting to note that the anabaptists, along with the earliest believers,
took the Lord’s teachings literally.