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God's People Keep Singing

His Way is Perfect

As for God, His way is perfect;
The Word of God is tried.
He's a buckler to all who trust Him;
Who is a Rock, save our God.

It is God who girds me with strength;
It is God who chose my way.
He knows the best,
In Him I'll rest.
I'll trust Him and obey.

When in distress and snares surround me;
My God is always near.
Though the way seems- dark and stormy,
With Him I have no fear.

My freinds may turn against me;
Though I'm mocked and put to shame,
The Lord's right- hand still holds me;
I'm saved by His pow'rful hand.

I don't know about the future,
But I know who goes before.
I will follow- where God leads me;
He will open the door.


Joel and Karen Heisey live at Schaefferstown, PA, where Joel earns his daily bread on the family dairy farm and as an auctioneer. They attend Heidelberg Church of the Brethren and enjoy the blessing of being able to participate as deacons. The above song was birthed while Karen passed through some troublesome waters on a foreign mission field, prior to her marriage to Joel. When the words of Psalm 18 jumped off the Bible at her one day, she knew in her heart that they needed to be sung back to the LORD. With Bible, pen, and paper—and the help of a few friends with the harmony—His Way is Perfect was born. She has since returned to the USA and serves as a missionary to her two precious boys.

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