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January / February / March 2008

January / February / March 2008


by J. C. Ryle, 1857

“they had been arguing about which of
them was the greatest.” Mark 9:34
It is a dreadful fact, that pride is one of the
commonest sins which beset human nature.
We are all born Pharisees.

We all naturally think far better of ourselves
than we ought. We all naturally imagine that
we deserve something better than we have.

Pride is an old sin. It began in the garden of
Eden, when Adam and Eve thought they did
not have everything that their merits deserved.

Pride is a subtle sin. It rules and reigns in
many a heart without being detected, and
can even wear the garb of humility.

Pride is a most soul-ruining sin.
It prevents repentance; keeps men back from Christ;
checks brotherly love; and nips in the bud spiritual desires.

Let us watch against it, and be on our guard.

Of all garments, none is so graceful,
none wears so well, and none is so rare,
as true humility.

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