July / August 2004
When mountain walls confront the way.
Why sit and weep? Arise and say
"Be thou removed" and they shall be
By the power of God, cast into the sea.
All power on earth. all power in heaven,
To Christ the Son of God is given;
And from the throne He will endue,
And hindrances will flee from you.
O'er all the power of fiend and man
Say though the Lord, "I surely can"
Take from Him power on earth to tread,
On serpent's sting, on dragon's head.
Whate'er thou art, Oh mountain high,
Where'er thou art in earth or sky,
Whene'er thou art, truth is the same,
"Be thou removed in Jesus name"
"Be thou removed" faith bids thee start
For yonder see - arise! depart!
I may, I can, I must, I will,
The purpose of my God fulfill.
E-Book / PDF
Publisher: Charity Ministries
- Editor: Denny Kenaston
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