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A Cry From The Heart


May my life from idols be,
From chains of sin set free,
Though others all around me bow,
To idols and things fall down,
Dear Lord, please cleanse my heart from these,
And may I Thee forever please.

My life is Yours and Yours alone.
No longer I upon the throne.
For me and others far and wide,
Upon the cross you bled and died.
And THEN, my Lord, you rose again,
O'er death and hell the vic'try gained.

Now dear Lord, please let me go,
And tell the others so they may know.
Of how for them you gave your life,
The world's greatest sacrifice.
And how I no longer turn,
And to my idols incense burn.

And now, oh Lord, take down,
The idols in each village and town.
From person to people, all.
Their idols now must fall.
For God will come in might and power.
And ALL will worship in that hour.

  • Hits: 1951