“... all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?”
He is the greatest man who ever lived!
He is the most honorable man who ever lived!
He is the most noble of men, the most dedicated of men, the most venerable of men, the wisest of men, the One who affected the most men all down through history.
He is the greatest of all men who ever lived!
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell? Pr. 30:4
The song writer says:
My gracious Master and my God
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honors of His name.
And again:
There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth!
And again:
O for a thousand tongues to sing
My dear Redeemer’s praise …
There is one name that shall last when all others have died out!
This man came into the world with purpose that was given Him from God above!
He didn’t earn His right to be blessed. He was blessed!
He didn’t do enough for mankind to deserve a place in history;
He is the reason for history.
He created history.
In fact, it is His-story!
He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor!
All other men did their deeds and accomplished their works, but they are dependent on others to venerate their name.
Not so with this man; God Himself will exalt Him above the nations, far above all principalities and powers.
In fact, even the rocks would be an orchestra, the mountains would skip like rams, and the little hills like lambs! Ps. 114:4
He turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters. Ps. 114:8
This Man doesn’t need man to exalt or venerate Him!
His name?
Jesus Christ!!!
No name has been written more nor sung more than His Name!
He will be reverenced by every single person that ever lived!
No one shall escape His judgment.
He is the Ever-Living One.
His name shall endure forever!
There is no need of monuments to keep His name alive! Or books! Or museums! Or statues!
His words are written forever.
His name is living and cannot die!
This man will not go away!
This man will be forever, indelibly stamped on the heart of man.
While the eons of time pile themselves one on top of the other, His name shall continue!!
Bibles have been burned by the thousands.
Men have been burned at the stake.
Modern contemporaries have called Him names unfit to speak.
His name has endured the attack of the great empires of the past.
Liberals have attempted to defame His name.
His own disciples have lived as if His name was but a passing fancy.
But I tell you, His name shall endure forever!!
His name will not fade;
His name will not fail;
His name will not flee;
He is the fountain filled with blood!
As long as there is a sinner that has been washed in the blood of this man, and has put his faith in Him and found Him his delight, his refuge, his stay, his shield, his song, and his joy, there will be no fear that His name will not be heard in the earth.
His name shall endure forever! Ps. 72:17
The Old Testament cries: Behold He comes!
The four Gospels cry: Behold He dies!
The Acts follow with: Behold He lives!
The Epistles join in with: Behold He saves!
The Revelation completes this with: Behold He reigns!
He comes, He dies, He lives, He saves, He reigns!
He is the living head of an undying family!
His wisdom is our guide;
His power our defense;
His sympathy our consolation;
His approval our reward;
His salvation our highest hope.
He is the sun who enlightens us;
He is the physician who heals;
He is the wall of fire that defends us;
He is the friend who comforts us;
He is the pearl who enriches us;
The ark who saves us;
The rock who sustains us.
He is the true deliverer;
He is the Prophet, Priest, and King!
He is the lion and the lamb;
He is the servant and the Lord.
He is the true scapegoat;
The true brazen serpent;
He is the mercy seat;
He is our joy and our comfort.
His blood is my pardon;
His righteousness my justification;
His strength my support;
His promises my cheer.
His grace keeps me;
His power presents me faultless;
His bond is my love, and His burden is light.
When I fall He lifts me up;
When I fail He forgives me;
When I am weak He is strong;
When I’m lost He is my way.
When I’m afraid He is my courage;
When I stumble He steadies me;
When I’m broken He heals me;
When I’m broken He mends me.
When I’m blind He leads me;
When I’m hungry He feeds me;
When I’m persecuted He heals me;
When I have loss He provides for me;
When I face death He carries me.
His ways are right;
His word is eternal;
His will is unchanging;
And His mind is on me.
He is everything, everywhere, every time, and in every way!
Since He is the way, there is no other.
Since He is the truth, everything else is a lie.
Since He is the life, everything apart from Him is death.
He is unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone!
He was bruised and brought healing;
He was pierced and eased my pain;
He was a servant and brought freedom;
He was dead and brought life.
The world can’t understand Him, yet no one can ignore Him.
Armies cannot defeat Him;
Herod couldn’t kill Him;
Nero couldn’t crush Him;
The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him;
Hitler couldn’t silence Him;
New Age can’t replace Him.
He is teacher of the creation and the Creator of all He teaches.
He is leader of legislators;
He is head of the heroes;
He is master of the mighty;
Captain of the conquerors.
He is the overseer of the overcomers;
Of His dominion there shall be no end!
He has the almighty claim: ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND EARTH!!!!
He came down from heaven;
Born in Bethlehem;
Grew up in Nazareth;
Baptized in Jordan;
Tempted in the wilderness;
Performed miracles by the roadside;
Healed multitudes without medicine and without price;
He conquered everything that came up against Him;
Went to Mount Calvary and died there;
Then went down into the grave to make it a pleasant place to await the resurrection.
On the third day, He rose with the arm of His omnipotence.
Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o’er His foes!
No one or nothing can destroy Him:
If you try to destroy Him by fire, He comes out un-singed and unbound, without smell of smoke.
If you try to destroy Him by water, He will walk on it.
If you try to destroy Him with winds, even they obey Him!
If you try to destroy Him with a law, you will find no fault in Him!
If you put Him in the grave, He will rise again!
If you try to reject Him, He will come with a still small voice …
He is my mighty Messiah;
He is light,
He is love,
He is longevity;
And He is my Lord!
His name is Jesus! The Christ, the Anointed One of God!
At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess!
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Is. 45:22-23 ~
(Adapted from an unknown author by Mark Brubaker)
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