Youth Bible School Blessings
God is so good to me! A dream was fulfilled and prayers answered this month when mom, Hannah and I went to Charity Ministry’s annual Youth Bible School. The three of us and a friend went with four other youth from MO. There were over 600 students enrolled. The Bible School was held at Ephrata, Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful trip, and I want to share with you some of the great things God did while I was there.
I can never put my head in the sand again! There is a spiritual war going on, and I’m involved whether I want to be or not! Satan has many goals for the Christian’s life: to steal God’s glory, to render me ineffective, to entice me to sin, to lead me to deeper and deeper bondage, and to totally destroy, devour, kill and steal my life. As a Christian, I am to glorify, love and honor God and prove His marvelous grace. We learned that the devil has a ball and chain for every Christian; this is no time for a pity party! Through Christ we have the potential of tremendous victory and every wounded prisoner can be liberated.
We heard a lot about bondage. There are three paths to bondage: the world, the flesh, and the devil. All three elements were present in the temptation of Jesus, our savior and brother. At Bible school we were told, “For the love of God: ENDURE! For the love of God: RESIST!” We have authority in the name of Jesus! The Bible says to not give place to the devil. “Satan knows how to keep you down, so you can’t get up!” Bro. Mose taught us how to be protected by keeping on our armor.
Bro. Denny gave the steps to breaking chains of bondage: repent, renounce, believe the victory is mine (with humility). Yield completely under God’s authority, rebuke/resist the devil, and finally, REJOICE. He also gave two messages on specific bondages such as bitterness, witchcraft/occult, rebellion, wrong music, immorality and eating disorders.
On Sunday morning, Bro. Denny concluded with the message of victory. We learned about some of the rules of the spiritual war we’re waging: humility, brokenness, love for souls, holiness, self-denial, and freedom from sin. “This is a war where, in you’re heart you’re on your feet, but you’re really fighting on your knees.” Some of our weapons are: the blood of Christ, the name of Jesus, prevailing prayer, and fasting. Our simple secret to victory is abiding in Christ.
One night, during the revival message by Roman Kauffman, I was particularly burdened for two girls. But at the same time I felt like God really wanted me to trust their souls to His keeping, and not get anxious and let my flesh get in the way. So, I prayed for them during the service. After the message, one of these girls went up for the altar call! I went up to her and told her I had been praying for her.
God really met with us there up front and gave her the victory as she confessed her sin of man-fear and believed the victory to be hers in Christ. This was such a faith-building experience for me too, because I had the opportunity to take a risk for Christ and launch out on His Word alone as I shared with this near stranger. After she and I both prayed, she said she still didn’t “feel” free. I told her that as a Christian, Christ had already won the victory, and I quoted a scripture or two about freedom to her. I encouraged her to not go by feelings, but by faith. (This was a step in faith for me!) She was willing to do this. Then she said, “I FEEL FREE!”
After this, I cannot tell you the peace and joy that flooded my soul. I think it was that night that I said I felt like I was on cloud 10. I wrote in my journal, “Oh, imagine the joy that thrilled our souls and of the love of Jesus that bound our hearts together....when I left her I felt my heart could not be made happier by anything else. The joy of a soul receiving the freedom of Christ far surpasses any earthly happiness.”
I had a personal breakthrough with God on Thursday. At this point in the week, everything had started to catch up with me and I was physically pretty tired. But more than that, I was burdened in my spirit. I had been struggling with issues like doubting God’s love for me, discouragement, fear and pride. When it came time for our prayer group to meet, all of this was heavy on my heart, and I was at the point of breaking. I gave a general request for prayer with my group, and as they prayed for me, the tears just flowed.
After the girls left, my prayer group leader stayed behind to counsel me. I shared my heart with her, explaining my struggles. She zeroed in on this sin of doubting God’s love. Yes, it is a sin. My prayer group leader took me by the hand, so to speak, and showed me from the Holy Scriptures what kind of tender, loving, Heavenly Father I have. I am graven upon His hands. Those scars in the hands of Jesus remind Him of me. God commendeth His love for me, in that, while I was yet a sinner, while I was even doubting His love for me, Christ died for me! God delights and rejoices over me!
God met with us there, and brought me to the place of repentance. My perspective on unbelief and discouragement is changed. These things are sin; if I choose to succumb to them, then I am responsible before God. I don’t have to be in bondage to either one. I expressed to my prayer group leader that I think many people would be shocked to hear how she talked about discouragement as a sin. I used to succumb to these things, excusing them as part of my personality. She replied “Yes, but I’m willing to be a radical Christian.” Her statement really stuck with me. But, I think it really takes being a “radical” Christian to survive in this battle for the souls of men!
My prayer group leader really encouraged her team of eight girls to love the Lord with all our hearts. She said something I hope I will never forget: “Make much of Jesus.” It is my desire to look for Him in everything. The Bible promises that when Jesus is lifted up, all men will be drawn to Him. This was so true at Bible School. Jesus was lifted up, and so many, many students found salvation and liberty.
One of the biggest thrills for me at Bible School was to join in the rejoicing and praise to Jesus when a soul was saved or delivered from bondage. There were many who experienced deliverance from serious bondages or who were saved. Whenever someone was saved and came out of the counseling room, the youth would gather around that person and rejoice, lifting their hands and praising God for the victory. The new convert would be welcomed into God’s family by the youth. The love and rejoicing I saw there was so thrilling and life changing for me. What could be more fulfilling than this? The joy and presence of Jesus was so real. There was one song that we sang almost every time someone came to Christ: “Jesus signed my pardon, this I surely know! Took my place on Calvary so I don’t have to go. All my life I give Him, He gave His for me, when He signed my pardon, there on Calvary!”
Also, one night, when we were singing over a new soul brought to Christ, one of the male prayer group leaders said, “I know there’s been a lot of rejoicing over the souls that got through. But, right now, there are souls who haven’t gotten through. We need to pray for them.” At that moment we had a spontaneous prayer meeting and crying out to God. I learned something... there are young people out there who know how to pray, and those prayers get answered. Two of the young men who traveled with us were saved, and many other souls made right with God.
Do I want to go back next year? You don’t even need to ask! My life was changed, and I hope I never go back to any level of complacency in my walk with Christ. For a whole week I was surrounded with powerful messages and anointed times with God as we prayed, sang praises and rejoiced. I also got to see a group of youth, a part of God’s remnant, who are willing to sell out for Him.
I came home with lots to think about, lots to apply, the tapes from the sessions (to review!), and my Bible, as not only my love-letter from God, but my sword against the attacks of Satan. I don’t want you to think that my time at Bible School was a bed of roses. Satan was at work too and the days were long and full. But Christ was victor. I got a glimpse of Christ as the lover of my soul, and the One who alone can satisfy me. His work of bringing souls to liberty is indeed glorious. At Bible School I saw that. Nothing could be more rewarding than to fight with Him in this battle for the souls of men. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. He SAVES, KEEPS, and SATISFIES.
I could write more as my heart has been overflowing since Bible School. But, I will close here.
The Blessing of Obedience
by Mrs. Richard Downin
Clovis, NM
I began wearing the headship veil over two years ago after much prayerful consideration and study. At the time we were attending a Baptist church. I was not thrilled with the thought of being the only woman in the church with a veil on and the only one who I knew of in my town as well.
But, the Holy Spirit kept telling me to obey the word regardless of what others thought of me. So I decided I would obey and begin to veil my head at all times.
When I first began to wear it I noticed that I was starting to act more submissive because I had the reminder on my head. And my husband starting noticing too and became gentler towards me.
I decided that I would not tell anyone what I was doing unless I was asked. One lady did ask. When I gave her the verses in 1 Corinthians 11, she yelled at me and told me that my hair was the covering. Another lady came up to me and told me that I was a legalist. Others separated from me. Some actually pointed and laughed at me on occasions. I was also left out of ladies functions at church. I was no longer invited after I began veiling.
There were also many good things that began to happen as a direct result of my obedience to this command in Scripture. All of a sudden, lost people were approaching me. People ask for tracts, sit next to me and ask questions, and ask me what church I attend. That never happened before I covered my head, and I had been saved for nine years before that!
As time went on I became lonely and wanted to have fellowship with other ladies who veiled their heads in obedience to this Scripture. It seemed that there was no one around. I prayed and waited, still knowing that whether or not there was one soul around me who practiced this I still had to.
So for two years I continued this practice with no friends nearby who had a clue what I was doing. Then I received an email from a sister in Christ whom I had met a year earlier in a homeschool meeting. I was the only one with veiled head and I had no idea that she noticed me. She told me that the Father had convicted her to cover her head as well and that she was glad that I was a testimony to her about veiling.
I cried when I read her email because I had been alone in this for so long. Jesus knew my need to have another sister in Christ to share with. Yet, Jesus was not done blessing me after this.
I immediately called this sister and we decided to get together to go over the verses together and share resources. She said she would bring another lady who was considering veiling. After I hung up the phone with her the Father brought to mind two sisters that I knew. One of them had asked me about veiling and I had given her a tract. The other one had been listening to tapes from Charity Gospel Ministries, but I had no idea which tapes.
So I called them. The first lady wanted to attend. The second lady told me that her husband had been studying it, and she wanted to study it some more as well.
We met and had a lovely time of fellowship. The next day one of the ladies I invited began veiling her head and has shared with me the wonderful blessings the Father has given to her since obeying. Now, He has blessed me with two sisters here where I live who wear the headship veiling.
I would like to encourage all sisters in Christ to continue veiling their heads even if alone and outcast because of it. You never know who is watching.
We are looking for other women who have a testimony relating to wearing the veiling. If you or someone you know would have something to share we would appreciate a written copy of their story. They would be considered in the possible publication of a new book on the Christian woman’s veiling.
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