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Little Trouble Maker

Allow me to relate the following, stranger than fiction, true story.

A few years ago we were at an all night prayer meeting on Halloween night. Except one lady, all were total strangers to us. We arrived and sat down in the living room. (This prayer meeting was called to intercede against the works of Halloween Witchcraft, Human sacrifice, etc.)

A lady named Patty then arrived with her 5-year-old son Max. We had never met Patty and Max. I was seated on the couch and Max ran over to where I was seated. He dug his claws into the arm of the couch, where I was seated, and began to howl and hiss, with spit flying everywhere. I turned my head in astonishment to look at this little boy and it was like looking into the eyes of Satan himself. This boy was totally demon possessed. In a little while his mother took him home.

We became good friends with the couple who had the all night prayer meeting. We learned that people who came in contact with Max quickly wound up hating the boy. He was totally repulsive because of the demons that inhabited him. He was very dangerous and violent.

Well, within a couple of months we were at another prayer meeting and once again, in walked Patty and the little terror Max. As we were all praying, Connie interrupted everything and said, “Max come here to me.”

Max walked over to Connie and then Connie said, “Max you sit up on this chair and I’ll be right back.” Max took his place on the chair and the room grew quiet with suspense as Connie left the room. In a few moments she returned with a basin of water and a washcloth. She knelt down in front of Max and said, “Max would you mind if I wash your feet?”

Max said, “It’s OK.” He took his little shoes and socks off.

Connie wept profusely as she washed Max’s feet. You could hear a pin drop in that room. When Connie finished washing and weeping she laid her hand on the top of little Max’s head and commanded, “You foul spirits of Hell, I command you in the mighty Name of Jesus, come out of this boy NOW!!! LEAVE!!! And never torment him again.”

Then Connie took Max in her arms and gave him a great big hug and kiss. Little Max INSTANTLY became the sweetest little boy.

I mean it was instantaneous. When spoken to, from that moment on, he always replied with “Ma’am” and “Sir “ to adults. He played very quietly and sweetly with other children and was extremely kind and loving. His mother Patty was overjoyed with her new son.

We saw Patty and Max several times after that and Max was just as loveable as he used to be repulsive. It was hard to believe he was the same little boy who introduced himself to me, that previous Halloween night, with howlings, hissings, and spittings.

Max has the blondest hair you ever saw and the bluest eyes.

Now when you look into his eyes it’s like looking into the eyes of a little angel.

Berean Publishers
18737 N. Celosia Lane
Surprise, AZ 85387
  • Hits: 2017