Amana Mission
Serving the community of Mukekete, its neighbours and beyond

Life at Amana
It is very simple living in rural Namibia. No electricity or running water is available. At Amana water is being carted from a central pump station 3km away from the living area. The cart consists of 2 cows pulling a sled through thick sand. The whole process takes about 3 hours for 400 liters of water enough for cooking, drinking and basic cleaning for 3 days. Cooking is done on the fire. No refrigiration is available.
Subsistance farming maintains their livelihood. They will plant mahango - a local grain, and maize during January and harvest it in the month of May. Sometimes they will also plant some vegetables like pumpkins. The ground will then lay empty for the rest of the year as there is no water for further crops. The grain is dried and stored for use during the year. Grain is crushed by hand daily for cooking using a large wooden pestle and mortar, and lots of skill.
Their present livestock consists of small flock of chickens around the home for slaughtering at very special occasions. There are also a few donkeys, cows and goats which get taken to a watering point once a week. For food they graze the surrounding areas.
Humble beginnings
Born in the village of Mukekete in 1981 Brother Theo grew up on his family ground until he was 11 years of age. In 1992, after the death of his mother that year he moved to Oshikati. In 2012 he returned to take up his inheritance, a 400 ha (988 acres) piece of ground.
After being born again in 2012 the Lord started working new desires in his heart. That which was once a barren, rural life suddenly became a possibility for God's work in the north of Namibia. The more definite vision for Amana was born in 2015/2016
Read br Theo's personal testimony here

Amana: a spiritual teaching center. The vision is to spread the truth about who Jesus is, and that this true gospel of the kingdom be preached in the northern part of Namibia. This will be done through bible studies at the center and through mission work. Our desire is to bring people to Christ and to know the truth that His name may be glorified.
Our plan is to have the following facilities or activities taking place at the center. Some of these are already happening and we are fully trusting the Lord for all our mission work at Amana

Wood workshop/ factory
Amana and the surrounding area has plenty of good quality hard wood
This project will help us generate extra income to support our mission work.
Needs: Equipment
Equipment that can process large logs fast, safe and without the need of mains electricity. Only fuel driven equipment and generators or solar power can be utilized.
Agricultural production
The idea is to produce and supply fresh vegetables, fresh flowers as well as small livestock and crop production. This project will also help us generate extra income to support our mission work.
Biggest hurdle: Water!
We will need a borehole for irrigation to produce crops year round.
Needs: Seeds, fertilizer and training
Normal agricultural needs for a larger variety of crops than that which is currently being locally produced.

Bible Studies:This is already happening
Saving Groups:Spiritual teaching during saving group meetings to be facilitated at Amana
Education:The idea is to have a school at the center using Christian Light curriculum which means children within this community will have the opportunity to learn the truth from early age.
Health facility or Clinic:The desire is to offer basic health care, support and teachings to the community being run by able, fellow believers. We are at the moment still trusting the Lord for this.
Answered Prayers
Some of the plan already started happening:
- Homeschooling my children
- Amana Bible studies
- Construction of the center
- Small live stock breeding
SALT in Namibia - in 2017 SALT for Namibia was introduced to us by brother Llewellyn. Since then we have identified that the Amana Community will be one of the communities in Namibia who will benefit from this spiritual teachings for saving groups. This will open doors for us to reach even further to other places with our mission work.
Woodworking @ Amana
Trial & Challenge
In 2018 we finally decided to move from Rundu with our family to stay at Amana permantly and support the mission work at Amana and its vision. We first went on vacation. On our way back we had a car accident and lost two of our children. Everything was in pieces in our home.
Our trust is in the Lord because only He can will fix those pieces together!
Contact Us
Theo Hamakoto: +264 81 661 1149
Jaco van der Merwe: +264 81 124 7738