September / October 2001
The Special Act of a
Servant’s Heart
The beauty of life all surrendered to God–
A person who’s walking the path Jesus trod,
In purity, freshness, and love all combined,
A heart that by God is being refined.
Gentleness, meekness, and joy all around
Peace and contentment flourish, abound
With willing hearts and sweet, loving touch,
We all remember our Lord Jesus as such.
Our cup is all empty of our own selfish dreams.
Abandoning it all we join the Lord’s team.
We now are His servants to do and obey,
We hear His voice softly, “Here, this is the way.”
Sometimes the Lord leads us through valleys deep;
The way is not easy and our hearts often weep,
But the way of the servant is enduring the cross,
For through all the trials God purges out dross.
Our blessed Lord Jesus, greatest Servant of all,
O, do we not hear His beckoning call?
“I’ve given my life…can you not give yours?
To be servants to people I bled and died for?”
“O, yes, dear Lord Jesus, I answer your voice,
I’ll love and obey you, a servant by choice.”
Addicted to service, wherever He calls–
I’ll go where He bids me, with Him as my all.
Rejoicing in Jesus, this life I embrace,
Knowing His power and infinite grace.
A life of true service is one of delight,
O’er shaded by love and kept by God’s might.
by Sheryl Lapp
E-Book / PDF
Publisher: Charity Ministries
- Editor: Denny Kenaston
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