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“Heirs Together”

Heirs together of the grace of life;
that your prayers be not hindered. (I Pet. 3:7)

As I have meditated on this verse the Lord has shown me some areas in my life that need attention. Let me share them with you. Perhaps you can benefit by my struggles, and hopefully you will not make the same mistakes.

Please read 1 Peter 3:1-9 to get the context of the verse. Now, allow me to quote from the Amplified Bible.

“In like manner, you married women be submissive to your own husbands [subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them and adapt yourselves to them] so that even if any do not obey the Word [of God] they may be won over, not by discussion, but by the godly lives of their wives; When they observe the pure, modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband]. You are to feel all that reverence includes; to respect, defer to, revere, honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and in the human sense to adore him, that is to praise, be devoted, to deeply love and enjoy your husband. Let not yours be the external adorning. . . But let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceable spirit, which [is not anxious or wrought up but] is very precious in the sight of God. For it was thus that the pious women of old who trusted in God were [accustomed] to beautify themselves and were submissive to their husbands [adapting themselves to their husbands as secondary to and dependent upon them]. It was thus that Sara obeyed Abraham [following his guidance and acknowledging his headship by] calling him lord [master, leader, authority]. And now you are her true daughters if you do right and let nothing terrify you [not giving way to hysterical fears or letting anxieties unnerve you]. . . ye are joint heirs of the grace [God’s unmerited favor] of life in order that your prayers be not hindered and cut off [otherwise you cannot pray effectively]. Finally all of you should be of one and the same mind [united in spirit] sympathizing [with one another] loving [each other] as brethren [of one household] compassionate and courteous [tenderhearted and humble]. Never return evil for evil or insult for insult [scolding, tongue lashing or berating] but on the contrary, blessing [praying for their welfare, happiness and protection and truly loving them]. For know, that to this you have been called, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing from God—that you may obtain a blessing as heirs [bringing welfare and happiness and protection].”


That is a real commission! If you meditate on these verses with an open heart and seek to find how you are fitting into God’s plan for you, you may be surprised. I have always believed this teaching and wanted to live by it. However, it seems that I continue to see new areas and dimensions of this principle that I need to give to God so that I can be fully under His blessing. Perhaps it is the time of life in which I find myself. I am daily confronted with the reality of “who” I am, as I try to impart these truths to my growing, maturing daughters. It is one thing to teach with your mouth how to be a godly woman, and quite another to live it out daily. I am keenly aware that my daughters catch more from my example than they will ever glean from what I say. The challenge is here. Live it! Live it!

We had been facing some challenges and struggles in our family. There were things that needed to be changed, and attitudes that needed attention. I was struggling, crying out to God, and feeling like the changes were not really taking place. Why? I was seeking the Lord earnestly for answers, when the verse “that your prayers be not hindered” came to my mind. As I looked them up and studied them I was deeply touched, rebuked and challenged.

Let’s take a look at a few areas that spoke loudly to me.

“.....the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceable spirit”

Amid the hurry and scurry and the hustle and bustle of life’s many needs, responsibilities and pressures, I tend to lose that gentle and peaceable spirit. Some days I hurry around and get work done but forget to take the time to enjoy my children and husband and “smell the roses.” Sometimes I get irritable and pushy and do not minister that peaceable spirit to my family. When I lose that gentle, peaceable touch, everyone around me mirrors my failure. My husband needs a wife that has a Christ-like spirit. My family needs it! I need it! Perhaps, hmm...I may well be part of the answer to my own prayers. I meditated on the next phrase.

“... Which is not anxious or wrought up, but is very precious in the sight of God”

I have been distressed, discouraged and anxious about the things that I see that need help. In fact, I have been so discouraged that I was not sure that I could do what was set before me. How can one person do all the mommy-managing details, all the school, all the wifely responsibilities, not to mention hospitality and ministering to the needs of others whom God brings into my path? I was extremely concerned that in the middle of all of this I would miss important things that would have a serious effect on the rearing of a godly family. I felt like a failure. And the more I thought about the whole situation, the worse I felt. There seemed to be no solution at hand for me. It was in the middle of this muddle that this verse ministered to me. My anxious heart was a breach of faith. Once again, I was not trusting. I repented of my fear and lack of faith, and the load vanished. It may sound simplistic to you. Nothing else changed. I still had all my responsibilities, but I was at rest. I had chosen, once again, to have that spirit which is, “in the sight of God of great price.” Why?

“... it was thus that Sara obeyed Abraham,” (following his guidance and acknowledging his headship) “whose daughters ye are if you do right and let nothing terrify you ...”

A true daughter of Sara rests in her husband’s decisions. She follows his plans and desires even when she has no idea how everything will turn out. Yes, but.... Do you know what Abraham did to Sara? He gave her away to the harem of the heathen king. I am sure that she did not think that everything was all right, but she rested in faith that God would work everything out, and He did. We tend to think that our circumstances are extreme, don’t we? They may well be, but let us give them to God and He will work them out for His glory and our good.

“...that your prayers be not hindered”

What a lot of work needed to be done in my life so that my prayers would not be hindered! I was the needy one first! How often we see the mote in our husband’s and children’s eyes and completely forget about the beam in our own.

“Finally be united in spirit, sympathizing, compassionate and courteous...”

As God dealt with me about my own attitudes and I repented, I was able to discuss my struggles with my husband, without a critical spirit. We were able to pray and talk together about my problems and discouragement. This openness brought about a healing in my spirit. My husband is better able to minister to me because he understands my needs and truly cares. I am more understanding of him because God is dealing with my own critical spirit. We are heirs together of the grace of life. Finally, in blessing my husband and children, I inherit a blessing! God has promised it.

This change in attitude answered some of my own prayers. My children were more happy and contented, my husband ministered to me and I was not living in the “Castle of Defeat!” I still am not perfect but I am seeking to rise every morning and put my hand in God’s big one and let Him deal with that “giant”.

One of the ways that you can do this is conveyed by the following article. I reprinted the ideas by permission from Val Yoder. Krystal has since gone home to be with Jesus, leaving a husband and a family, but her precious words of encouragement remain to inspire us to walk with God daily.

Creatively Practicing the Presence of God

He is risen as He said!” Our God is alive. He is available for you and I. Every day is His—and I am His child. I want to walk in the light as He is in the light and glorify Jesus in all that I do and say. This article is about how to communicate with the best friend that I have. It came to my attention just when I needed it. I was feeling pressure to get my column finished and at the same time facing an energy crisis. I had no idea how I would find the extra time to bless you all and yet. . . God is so faithful. He renewed my spiritual man through the sweet meditations that Krystal shared and gave me something to share with you until I can finish my next article. Read it. Share it. Copy it and hang it in your kitchen, bedroom and/or bathroom to ponder and meditate on. (Krystal has walked through the valley of sorrow. She mothered and gave up a little one who was ill all of her short life. Truly, fellowship with the Master is learned as we lean on Him.)

I am convinced that the reason so many of us feel spiritually dry is that we have not learned how to meditate and fellowship with God as we walk through the day. We all have a real need for this kind of fellowship with Him. God created us to walk and talk with Him and to bring Him glory. So often, we plod through our busy, busy days and do not stay in touch with Him. He steps aside for a bit, just like a parent does to an independent two-year-old. He lets us run ahead or lag behind and trip and get a bit scuffed up. Then He calls to us to “Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest...” If we are wise, we will come. We will let Him take hold of our hands again and help us over the rough places, for with Him, “His yoke is easy and His burden is light...”

Enjoy with me, Krystal’s thoughts on keeping God in the forefront of your life. It is such a positive, uplifting way of talking to God throughout the day. May it spread sunshine on your path. Her article follows:


How to Creatively Practice the Presence of God in Your Day

As you pull back the curtains:

Lord, may Your sunshine fill my heart today.

As you get dressed:

Lord, I put on the garment of praise this morning for the spirit of heaviness. I purpose to praise You and other people today.

As you comb your hair and put on your covering:

Lord, may I be submissive to my husband/father and have a meek spirit. Cause me to die to self.

As you brush your teeth:

Lord, place a guard at my mouth to stop any unkind, untrue or unnecessary words from escaping today. I pray I will be as the virtuous woman. “She openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”

As you greet family members:

Lord, I realize that because You live in the members of my family I am actually greeting You, and all day long as I interact with them, I am ministering to and speaking to You.

As you take a shower:

Wash all the sin and self out of my life today, Lord. I imagine Your blood flowing over me, cleansing me and wiping out the strongholds of the devil.

As you wash your face:

Lord, may I reflect Your radiance and glory today. May my eyes and smile reflect Your love.

As you perform your household duties: (washing dishes, laundry, cleaning the house)

Lord, as I remove the clutter from my home, likewise remove all the sin from my life, especially __________. Because You dwell here in my home, it is as the “Holy of Holies.” I am standing on holy ground, surrounded by Your presence.

As you eat:

Lord I am being filled with Your power to overcome sin today. I take in Your grace, Your holiness, Your body and Your blood. Just as I have all this food which I need to be strong and healthy; so also I need Your power and grace to be more than a conqueror. May I desire food for my soul to a greater degree than I desire physical food.

As you drink water:

Lord, my thirsty spirit longs for the water You so freely supply from the fountain of life. You have made streams to flow into the deserts of my life; You have caused springs to flow into the ravines. I will get thirsty and unsatisfied again after this physical water. But as I consistently drink deeply of the eternal water of life I need never experience spiritual dryness again.

As you sew and do crafts:

Lord, You are a God of precision. As I am concerned with the details of this project, You are even more concerned with the details of my life. (Remember, the backsides of many projects don’t look nice, but the tops are a beautiful masterpiece!)

As you go to bed and pull up the covers:

Lord, I am laying down in Your arms of security. Your arms are around me.
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