A Precious Gift
God’s gifts are always good and given for a blessing. Praise be to Him. A prudent wife is from Him .Prov 19:14. Whoso findeth a wife ...obtain favor of the Lord Prov.18:22.
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband Prov.12:4. Yes, truly she has a great value far above rubies and is to be searched for Prov.31:10. She does her husband good all the days of her life. Prov.31:12. A secure gift of love.
In a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price, 1Pet.3:4 she conducts her life. She feareth God and therefore is praised Prov.31:30. Her children can only but rise up and call her blessed Prov.31:28. Her husbands heart rejoices over her. She has won the trust of her husband through love, honor, respect and submission unto the Lord, and even unto him, knowing his weaknesses. This often humbles and reproofs him deeply 1Pet.3:1.
She was last at the cross, Mark 15:47 and first at the tomb. John 20:1 She was first to proclaim the resurrection, Matt.28:8 and first to proclaim Jesus Christ to the Jews. Luke 2:36-38 She has a great love to serve the church and labor for the gospel. When God choose to use her in preaching, teaching and judging men Judges 4:1-9 the Spirit of truth and humility puts to shame the men, for it is a reproof unto the men in their backslidden state. Using her, God is saying: ”Where are the God fearing men ?”. Because God would rather use men to lead. Ephesians 5:22-31 / 1Cor.14:34-40 / Titus 2:5. She is most effective as the helper of man Gen.2:18 . Where there are spiritual men, she gladly cover herself with a heart of submission and takes great delight to go unnoticed, as she chooses to continue in travailing prayer, sharing her faith and praising God. She has a mandate to proclaim the gospel, Mark 16:15 pray and prophesy Joel 2:28 /Act 21:9 in complete surrender unto God.
In old age she is already well reported for good works, bringing up children and lodging strangers. She is known for washing the saints feet and relieving the afflicted 1Tim.5:10. She is deeply at peace and firmly secure in the Lord. She views herself as a handmaid, Luke 1:38 and her modesty, generosity and holiness with sobriety are crowning qualities 1 Timothy 2:9-15.
She has not been all these things, praise be to God. He has by His Spirit given her a divine nature and placed His attributes of love, servanthood, humility, meekness, submission and patience, to name just a few, in her. She has, through Christ Jesus, become a new creation to reflect His glory. Godly wives, one of God’s precious gifts to man.
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