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Quiver of Arrows - denny Kenaston

“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

As arrows are in the hand of the mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them . . .” Ps. 127:4,5

Rejoice in your children! Be thankful for each one! Have as many as the Lord enables you! There is no more noble an occupation as that of raising children for the Lord. It is what we were commanded to do from the beginning: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Does it sound strange to apply this to yourself? Here is a taste of what we are used to hearing: “The earth is overpopulated and we must limit the number of children in a family,” “A woman has a right over her own body,” “Children are an inconvenience,” “I can hardly wait till they grow up and move out,” “We can’t afford children yet,” “I want to have some fun and a career first.”

The tragic results of these attitudes are seen everywhere. Millions and millions of precious babies have been aborted, causing untold grief and sorrow. Birth control methods are rampant, causing sterile, butchered-up people and endless cases of infertility. Just look at the broken homes and broken people we are reaping as a consequence of man thinking he knows better than God. All these things have been done in the name of “family planning” and the pre-occupation of pleasing self. But our God has a better plan, a perfect design. “Be fruitful and multiply,” one man for one woman. Our God is in control of all things. He will give you His number of children and He will provide for your needs accordingly.

Think now young women. Do not allow yourselves to be put under any of these birth control methods. You will reap damage that cannot be undone. I say this from experience. I am convinced that most PMS and menopause problems are caused from this artificial tampering. Much of the rest could easily be attributed to poor nutrition that doesn't consist of a diet of basic whole foods, and does consist of pre-packed chemical laden foods. Staying away from over-the-counter medications, or prescribed ones, if at all possible is highly recommended. If you let your body function as God intended, for as long as He intended most PMS and menopause symptoms would be minimal or done away with altogether. If you choose to interfere with your body’s natural functions you will reap much pain and many unforeseen problems. I say this from experience.

Is it too late for you? Is there any hope for those of us that are now learning this lesson? All I can say is to repent for desecrating the temple of the Holy Spirit. Cling to the God of strength and healing. Say: “Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon the earth that I desire beside Thee.” (Ps 73:25) God can heal your damaged emotions and the strained marriage that may have resulted. Sit patiently under His chastening and cleansing hand and let Him have His way with you. Let the enormity of your sin wash over you.

“Do not complain about what you have lost, and do not yearn to have
it given back again, for then you are like the Israel who wished to turn
back to Egypt. God will lead you on further. Instead of the fleshpots He
gives you Bread from heaven, and instead of water from the Nile,
Water from the Rock. But you must put your trust in Him also in the
desert, and through days of darkness and difficulty. This is possible
only for those who have lost their self-assurance in the desert whereto
God beckons His children. Know that the Lord’s hand guides your way
and that He leads you only in paths that are necessary for your
discipline and growth.” ~ G. Steinberger~

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Rom. 8:28
