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Secret Sin


I let a little sinful thought
Dwell in my heart one day.
I meant to play with it awhile
And then send it away.

Of course I kept it hidden well
So none would ever know
That I had entertained a guest
Of character so low.


But do you know, that little thing
Just grew and grew until
It crowded out the good and true
And overcame my will.


No longer could I keep it hid
Nor could I bid it go;
Who would have thought that little thing
Could cause such bitter woe?


I had to take it to the cross,
To plead the Savior’s blood;
And then at last my weary soul
Regained its peace with God.


O watch the “little things,” dear child.
Like seeds they’re sure to grow,
Destroying true soul happiness—
How well, how well I know!


~Author unknown

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